Friday, 24 October 2014

Catastrophic: A terrible accident (pics)

*Viewers discretion*
In the late hour yesterday night ,Thursday,23 October 2014. At around 9:00pm a tragic occurrence happened as there was a terrible accident that occurred in Aguda- ogba , a sub- city in Lagos , where a young man as the case maybe was said to be crossing the road when he met his sudden death.

According to an eye witness, he said the victim of the accident was crossing  the second lane of the road when his trouser got hooked to a truck's back hanger, but unknowing to the truck driver who kick started his truck after the traffic light said GO. The terrified crowd shouted at the driver to stop, but the driver who was impatient and unaware ,reversed  his truck and was crushing the man unknowingly. More update coming......

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