Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Monowi; a town with only one population

Just last week, I was discussing with a friend the criterias for a particular region/domain should be called a COUNTRY. We talked about the population density, how large the region, raw materials and resources; after which I was forced to check on my best friend ( In my quest, I stumbled on the town/village with just one person in it,who controls basically everything. Let me take you through what I am talking about.                           Monowi, Neb.
When you enter this Nebraska town, a road sign will tell you the village has a population of two, but Elsie Eiler is the only remaining resident. Eiler’s husband, Rudy, died in 2004, which halved the population. Monowi's population peaked at 150 during the 1930s, but like many
small towns in the Great Plains, it lost residents to larger cities with more job opportunities.
Today, Eiler is not only Monowi’s sole resident, but she’s also the mayor, librarian and bartender. She manages the town’s budget (about $500 a year) at “city hall,” an old desk inside the town’s only business, the Monowi Tavern, and once a year she raises “taxes” to keep the village’s four streetlights on. Nearby towns supply most of the tavern’s customers who say the $2.50 hamburgers and $2 beers are the best in town. (Eiler granted her own liquor license.) Behind the tavern sits a 5,000-book library that Eiler constructed in 2005 in memory of her husband. The library was her late husband’s dream, and it’s become a hit with residents of surrounding towns. There are few other places like this under the sun that are yet to be identified, you can be the president of one; oops! It means you will have to govern yourself

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